A Dept ID is 5 digits. If you are not sure, a full list of all University Dept IDs can be found here
What type of offering(s) does your unit provide?
Select all that apply
What volume of non-credit offering(s) do you plan to provide in a 12 month period?
Please include as much information as possible, including format, expected number of participants, additional components, etc. You may also include a link to a website.
Do you have a specific date planned for the offering(s)?
Additional dates can be added by clicking the Add button
When do you plan to open registration?
more items
Additional dates can be added by clicking the Add button
When will the offering(s) take place?
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Does your unit have the capacity to provide customer support to answer any questions about the registration process or questions about the event itself?
Do you plan to allow cancellations or refunds?